NEWS from 2022





Tuesday, November 8th  At Myrtle Beach Lodge’s November meeting, Elections were held for our 2023 Officers.  Next years’ line up is:

Worshipful Master – Elect WB Mark Aston
Senior Warden – Elect Brother Phil Workman
Junior Warden – Elect Brother Ed Vanderbilt
Treasurer – Elect Brother Jim Jarrell
Secretary – Elect RWB Don Cox
Senior Deacon Brother Dino Barr
Junior Deacon Brother Jay Dennis
Steward Brother Sean Kenny
Steward Brother Raymond Moyer
Chaplain WB Steve Kahn
Tiler WB Steve St. Clair 
Marshal Brother Adam Merritt


Congratulations Brothers!  We are looking forward to a great 2023….



Thursday, October 27th  Myrtle Beach Lodge conferred the Master Mason Degree on Thursday, October 27th.  Raised to Master Mason was Brother Frank Haney IV (pictured below).  Congratulations to Brother Haney!  We are proud to have him as our newest Master Mason and look forward to him attending our meetings and his participation in other Masonic events.


Tuesday, September 13th  At the Regular Communications meeting on Tuesday, September 13th, RWB Don Cox, DDGM presented three 50-year awards to members of our Lodge.

Pictured below (from L to R) are WM Allen Anderson, WB P. Cecil Patrick, Jr. with his award, and RWB Don Cox, DDGM











Pictured below (from L to R) are WM Allen Anderson, WB Patrick Owens with his award, and RWB Don Cox, DDGM










Pictured below (from L to R) are WM Allen Anderson, Brother William Lee, Jr. with his award, and RWB Don Cox, DDGM

















Also reaching their 50-Year anniversary were Brother Larry Stinson (residing in Tennessee) and Brother David Crumpler (local) who was unable to attend the meeting for a presentation.  Both Brothers had their awards mailed to them, at their request. Congratulations to these five Brothers on reaching this milestone in Masonry.

…and a final picture of the DDGM and our three recipients together.













Thursday, August 25th  Myrtle Beach 353 Held an EA Degree for two new Candidates. Pictured below are Brother Paul Hoffmann (L) and Brother Rodney Watson (R).  Congratulations Brothers!  We are here to support you as you continue your journey to becoming Master Masons.

Tuesday, August 16th  A group from Myrtle Beach 353 visited Socastee 421 on Tuesday, August 16th to capture their flag and retrieve Myrtle Beach 353’s flag.  Pictured below, from L to R are:  WB Steve St. Clair, RWB Don Cox, WB Steve Kahn, Brother Ed Vanderbilt, Brother Adam Merritt, WM Allen Anderson, Brother Dino Barr, RWB Myron Creel and WB Mark Aston.  (Not Pictured: Brother Jimmy Lamb).

Thursday, July 28th  On Thursday, July 28th a Fellowcraft Degree was put on for Brothers Frank Haney IV and Joshua Leibold.  Congratulations Brothers!  We look forward to welcoming them as they are raised as Master Masons in the near future.

Thursday, June 16th  An EA Degree was held at the Lodge on Thursday, June 16th, and the Lodge is proud to have the largest group of Candidates in a long time go through an EA together.  Pictured below (from Left to Right) are: Brother John Pezzuti, Brother Dalton Todd, Brother Hunter Todd, Brother Stephen Kindle, Brother Joshua Shelley and Brother Ryan Bogdewic.  Congratulations Brothers!  We look forward to following and supporting each of you as you continue on to becoming Master Masons.

Thursday, May 19th  On Thursday, May 19, 2022 a Master Mason Degree was held at Myrtle Beach Lodge #353 where Brother Raymond Moyer, pictured below, was raised as a Master Mason.  Congratulations and welcome to Brother Raymond, and we look forward to having him participating in our meetings and Masonic events.
Brother Raymond Moyer

Thursday, March 24th  On Thursday, March 24, 2022 Myrtle Beach Lodge #353 held an EA Degree at the Lodge.  The Degree was for Candidate James Dicintio.  We congratulate and welcome Brother James Dicintio (pictured below) as he takes his first step toward becoming a Master Mason.


Welcome to 2022…